
Jun 10, 20181 min read
Fabrics are available and ready to ship!
The fabrics online are available now and ready for immediate shipping. Over the upcoming weeks we will be adding more fabrics, products...

Jun 6, 20182 min read
Share your project pics!
Hey guys, I want to mix things up and have a bit of fun while I’m creating the new website. Instead of photographing models and projects...

Jun 2, 20181 min read
Rainbows for Peace and Comfort
We have added Rainbows for Peace and Comfort to the list of organizations we support. This group deserves the recognition and support....

May 29, 20181 min read
Serving the Community
Here at HLCF we strongly believe in paying it forward and supporting a variety of non-profit organizations through volunteering and...

May 27, 20181 min read
FAQ & Policy Page
A FAQ & Policy page was added to the website tonight. We will add to and update this page from time to time as customer questions come up...

May 26, 20181 min read
The website is live
We are excited to have the new website up and running. This is a big step in reopening the doors. We are a week ahead of schedule which...

May 25, 20181 min read
The new website is here!
The foundation of the new site is up and running. Soon we will be adding products, services and more. Our grand re-opening is just around...

Apr 30, 20181 min read
When will fabric be available online?
We have all been working on sorting and inventorying fabric. Once all the fabric is inventoried Jim and I will begin to photograph...

Apr 28, 20181 min read
Minor speed bump
A couple weeks ago I was injured. The timing couldn't be worse. Really is there ever a good time? I've been dependent on other to help...

Apr 23, 20181 min read
Let the unpacking begin!
We spent several hours unpacking the dye room today. It's always so time consuming especially when I am physically dependent on others to...

Apr 18, 20181 min read
Starting on the dye room
We accomplished quite a lot tonight with the help of friends. There is a good start on the dye room. Sink is in. Washers are here but not...

Apr 17, 20181 min read
Dye room design and preparation
Today will be the first day I will be able to get out into the dye room and start getting a game plan. Crossing my fingers I can get...

Apr 5, 20181 min read
In-flight Inspiration
While going about the normal routine of my day there was a lovely passenger working on some beautiful quilt squares. It was inspiring to...

Mar 18, 20181 min read
Happy St. Patrick's Day (aka moving day)
It's moving day. We were able to move HLC Fabrics out of the house and into it's own space today. My son and daughter-in-law worked very...
Mar 11, 20181 min read
What's changing once we re-open?
You'll notice that we have a new look. The recent medical hiccups have forced me to step back and reassess life, business and what I can...

Feb 28, 20181 min read
Making Progress!
It feels good to be making some progress! We are currently unboxing and sorting fabrics from the move. Once we have completed inventory...
Feb 16, 20181 min read
It's been a busy week.
It certainly has been a busy week here. We have started the task of getting organized before our doors can open. This holiday weekend...

Feb 2, 20181 min read
Our office is nearly ready.
Jim finished setting up the office for me tonight. I'm beyond thrilled to have a proper office to work in again. What a difference it...

Jan 4, 20181 min read
Where have we been?
Two years ago our family was struck with catastrophic illness. While caring for my mother who had MS and stage-four cancer I was also...