Well it's May and COVID is still altering our way of life. I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and is able to get lots of extra stitching time. We've spent the last 6 weeks sewing masks for essential workers and are ready to shift gears! We are blessed to have been able to donate and help so many flight attendants, law enforcement, medical personnel, and families.
In mid-February, I made the decision to self isolate. My family, including McKenna have also self isolated since mid-March. Thankfully, with holidays, inventory, re-decorating, etc the showroom and office have not been exposed to retail traffic since November. Deliveries are going to an alternate address where they can be "on hold" for 7 days prior to opening. So if anyone is worried or wondering about product being sent, only McKenna and I have been there and we are both healthy and self-isolated. Poor woman is probably ready for an outing, she has only been in the house (homeschooling a 6yr old) or at the office since March. She hasn't even been to the grocery store once. Please know when shipping your products we have taken every precaution possible. We have high risk individuals to keep healthy as well as we want to do everything we can to keep our customers safe and healthy as well.
In early March, we made the decision to revised our May Event from an in-house Showroom Event to a virtual show. We are still working on setting up and coordinating to make this happen. We will send out notices and updates as we get closer. This will also also out of town customers the ability to "attend" and participate in the promotions.
As many of you may know, Nina was diagnosed early this year with an aggressive form of cancer. She has been my primary assistant for several years and she is unable to work at this time. Unfortunately, also having a chronic illness has made it challenging to consistently keep up with demand. There is a silver lining to the cloud. Our dearest McKenna has recently moved to Snohomish. We will be training her as an office manager. This will alleviate any shipping and response delays. The hope is this will be less physically demanding on my physical health and will also allow me to create and make more fabrics and designs for everyone to enjoy. We will be spending the next few weeks, getting caught up on orders, adding to the website, and getting ready for the Virtual Show.
I will try to keep everyone posted as we progress. I am excited for the changes to come, happy to be working with McKenna, and anxious for Nina to make a full recovery.
-Cheers and Happy Stitching! Kris